Cocaine Addiction Test Fill out the quiz below to get an estimate of the likelihood that you or someone you care about is suffering from cocaine addiction. Do you frequently use cocaine in large amounts whenever it is available? Yes No None Taken cocaine in larger amounts or over longer periods of time than you intended? Yes No None Tried, and failed, to cut down or control your cocaine use? Yes No None Spent a significant amount of time obtaining cocaine, using it or recovering from its effects? Yes No None Have you felt overwhelming cravings for cocaine? Yes No None Failed to fulfill major role obligations at work, school or home because of your cocaine use? Yes No None Faced legal issues (possession charges, arrest, incarceration, etc.) because of your cocaine use? Yes No None Continued to use cocaine despite it causing recurring conflicts with your friends, family members or coworkers? Yes No None Stopped (or significantly withdrawn from) participating in social, occupational or recreational activities that you once enjoyed because of your cocaine use? Yes No None Chosen to use cocaine even when it caused bodily injury? Yes No None Developed a tolerance to cocaine (meaning you needed to take more cocaine each time you used it to feel the same effects)? Yes No None Experienced cocaine withdrawal symptoms, or taken the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms? Yes No None Name E-mail Phone Would you like to receive a call from us? Time's up IS-Myles Partial Hospitalization & IOP Test Methamphetamine Addiction Test